Noritsu NetOrder SDK - CD ReadMe_ENG.TXT Feb. 20, 2009 Noritsu NetOrder SDK is intended for the development of the QSS NetOrder Client Software. For the implementation of the additional function of NetOrder API version 3.0.0 to the software, please refer to the following document: NETORDER_SDK\DOC\ENGLISH\EAK-29505-XX-XXX NetOrder 3.0.0 ENG 090210.pdf For the installation procedure of QSS Simulator for Net Order, please refer to the following document: NETORDER_SDK\DOC\ENGLISH\NTO_QSS_Simulator_Manual_ENG_090216.pdf. IMPORTANT --- The enclosed QSS Simulator (for NetOrder) is for QSS-32. Double-click on NETORDER_SDK\QSS_Simulator\QSS-32_Simulator.exe to install it. Release note --- February 26, 2004 The following problem was corrected: Cannot send an image file right after the startup of Qss Client when its size exceeds 1 Mbyte. March 16, 2004 "NetOrder Client Application FAQ" document has been updated to Rev. 1.01. "QSS Simulator for NetOrder Manual" document has been updated to Rev. 3.00. The intended QSS Simulator for Net Order has been changed to that for QSS-32 series. September 6, 2004 Changes for NetOrder API version 2.0.0 The following documents were updated: - NTO_API_ver20000_ENG_040906.pdf - NTO_TCPIP_ver20000_ENG_040906.pdf - NTO_DebugTool_ver20000_ENG_040906.pdf Changes made to QSS Simulator for NetOrder: - Changes for NetOrder API version 2.0.0 - Data in Temp folder was not deleted even though simulation print of an order was completed. This was corrected. - Operators can set up paper magazine even though printing is proceeding. October 14, 2005 Changes for NetOrder API version 2.1.0 The following documents were updated: - NTO_API_ver20100_ENG_051017.pdf - NTO_TCPIP_ver20100_ENG_051017.pdf - NTO_DebugTool_ver20100_ENG_051121.pdf - NTO_QSS_Simulator_Manual_ENG_050930.pdf Changes made to QSS Simulator for NetOrder: - Changes for NetOrder API version 2.1.0 February 14, 2006 Changes for NetOrder API version 2.2.0 The following documents were updated: - NTO_API_ver20200_ENG_060214.pdf - NTO_TCPIP_ver20200_ENG_060214.pdf - NTO_DebugTool_ver20200_ENG_060214.pdf Changes made to QSS Simulator for NetOrder: - Changes for NetOrder API version 2.2.0 February 20, 2009 Changes for NetOrder API version 3.0.0 The following documents were updated: - EAK-29505-XX-XXX NetOrder 3.0.0 ENG 090210.pdf - NTO_API_ver20300_ENG_081014.pdf - NTO_TCPIP_ver20300_ENG_081014.pdf - NTO_DebugTool_ver30000_ENG_090218.pdf - NTO_QSS_Simulator_Manual_ENG_090216.pdf Changes made to QSS Simulator for NetOrder: - Changes for NetOrder API version 3.0.0 ** Caution ** This software cannot be used with another QSS simulator software for Net Order. When another QSS simulator software is running, close it before using this software. End